古诗词是领导讲话的调味剂却也是口译过程中的一只拦路虎习大大的诗词翻译不仅要求技术还得苛求艺术快让我们一起来看看如何在双语环境下传播中华文化吧!化干戈为玉帛1.Turn swords into ploughshares2.Beat swords into plowshares
原文出处:2016年新年贺词 我衷心希望,国际社会共同努力,多一份平和,多一份合作,变对抗为合作,化干戈为玉帛,共同构建各国人民共有共享的人类命运共同体。I sincerely hope that international community can work together. With more peacefulness and cooperation, let's turn confrontation into cooperation, and turn swords into ploughshares. Let's work together to build a common community of common destiny of all kind, which is shared by all people in every country. I sincerely hope that the international community will make concerted effort to make peace, relate to each other in cooperation rather than confrontation; beat swords into plowshares and to build a community of common destiny of all mankind.求木之长者,必固其根本。1.A tree can grow tall only when its roots are strong.2.For a tree to grow tall, it needs to have deep roots.
——加强政治互信,指明发展方向。"求木之长者,必固其根本。"中捷双方应该适时提高双边关系定位,坚持从战略高度和长远角度看待双边关系,本着互相尊重、平等相待的原则,坚定支持对方的核心利益和重大关切,确保中捷关系长期健康稳定发展,牢牢把握两国关系发展的大方向。-- We should enhance political mutual trust and establish a clear direction for the development of our ties. As people say in China, a tree can grow tall only when its roots are strong. China and the Czech Republic should consider upgrading the bilateral relationship in due time, adopt a strategic and long-term perspective, follow the principle of mutual respect and equality, and render firm support to each other on issues concerning our core interests and major concerns, to ensure long-term sound and stable development of bilateral ties and set the right direction for our relations.
求木之长者,必固其根本。寻求治本之道,始终是我们的目标。我们要铭记全人类福祉,构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,坚定推进全球安全治理,维护和平稳定的国际环境,促进各国普遍发展繁荣,开展和而不同、兼收并蓄的文明交流。惟其如此,才能早日铲除滋生核恐怖主义的土壤。As a Chinese saying goes, for a tree to grow tall, it needs to have deep roots. And we have always wanted to find a solution that addresses the root cause of the problem. We must bear in mind the well-being of humanity, build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, steadfastly advance global security governance, uphold a peaceful and stable international environment, promote common development and prosperity of all countries, and facilitate mutual learning and exchanges between different civilizations. Only in this way can we remove the breeding ground of nuclear terrorism at an early date.
恃德者昌,恃力者亡。He who cherishes virtue prospers and he who favors might perishes.原文出处:亚信会议第五次外长会议上的演讲
第三,互谅互让,坚持对话协商和平解决争议。"恃德者昌,恃力者亡。"弱肉强食有违时代潮流,穷兵黩武缔造不了和平,互谅互让才能带来稳定,坚守道义才能赢得持久安全。Third, uphold mutual understanding and mutual accommodation and peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue and consultation. As a Chinese adage reads, "he who cherishes virtue prospers and he who favors might perishes." The law of the jungle goes against the trend of the time and belligerence cannot lead to peace. Only mutual understanding and mutual accommodation will bring about stability and only commitment to justice can ensure lasting security. 友也者,友其德也。One should befriend those with virtues.
原文出处:塞尔维亚署名文章 50年代初,中国同南斯拉夫联邦人民共和国正式建交,掀开了中国人民同塞尔维亚人民友谊合作新的一页。中国古代思想家孟子说:"友也者,友其德也。"60多年来,两国人民始终心手相连,彼此怀有特殊感情,跨越时空的真情厚谊历久弥新。In the early 1950s, China and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia established diplomatic relations, opening a new chapter of friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and the Serbian people. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said, one should befriend those with virtues. Over the past six decades and more, the profound friendship and special bond between our peoples have defied the passage of time and the long distance between us to become even stronger.众人拾柴火焰高。The bonfire burns higher when everyone adds firewood to it.原文出处:亚投行开业仪式上的致辞
众人拾柴火焰高。亚投行是各成员国的亚投行,是促进地区和世界共同发展的亚投行。亚投行要取得成功,需要各方团结协作、形成合力。As the saying goes, the bonfire burns higher when everyone adds firewood to it. The AIIB belongs to all its member states. It is designed to facilitate common development in the region and the world at large. To succeed, it needs to count on the solidarity, cooperation and synergy of all sides.民惟邦本,本固邦宁。The people are the foundation of a country and only when the people lead a good life can the country thrive. 原文出处:G20工商峰会开幕式上的演讲
——在新的起点上,我们将坚定不移推进公平共享,增进更多民众福祉。民惟邦本,本固邦宁。坚持以人民为中心,就要扎扎实实体现在经济社会发展各方面各环节。― Proceeding from the new starting point, we will promote equity and sharing of development outcomes to deliver more benefits to the people. The people are the foundation of a country and only when the people lead a good life can the country thrive. We need to be people-oriented, a principle that we should follow in everything we do in advancing economic and social development. 人而无信,不知其可也A man without trust can hardly accomplish anything.原文出处:第八轮中美战略与经济对话和高层磋商联合开幕式讲话
——我们要增强两国互信。中国人历来讲究"信"。2000多年前,孔子就说:"人而无信,不知其可也。"信任是人与人关系的基础、国与国交往的前提。我们要防止浮云遮眼,避免战略误判,就要通过经常性沟通,积累战略互信。这个问题解决好了,中美合作基础就会更加坚实,动力就会更加强劲。China and the US need to increase mutual trust. For the Chinese, trust is always something to be cherished. In the word of Confucius, who lived over 2,000 years ago, a man without trust can hardly accomplish anything. Trust stands as the basis of relationship among people, and provides a prerequisite for state-to-state exchanges. For China and the US, we need to maintain frequent communication and build up strategic mutual trust in order to avoid strategic misjudgment and prevent temporary problems from affecting our overall relations. With sufficient mutual trust, China-US cooperation will stand on a more solid basis and enjoy even more robust growth.未之见而亲焉,可以往矣;久而不忘焉,可以来矣。Visit those who you feel close to even without meeting them before, and invite those you cannot forget long after your paths crossed.原文出处:阿拉伯国家联盟总部演讲
"未之见而亲焉,可以往矣;久而不忘焉,可以来矣。"来到阿拉伯国家,我和我的同事们都有一种亲近感。这是因为,在穿越时空的往来中,中阿两个民族彼此真诚相待,在古丝绸之路上出入相友,在争取民族独立的斗争中甘苦与共,在建设国家的征程上守望相助。这份信任牢不可破,是金钱买不到的。An ancient Chinese philosopher said, "Visit those who you feel close to even without meeting them before, and invite those you cannot forget long after your paths crossed." Coming to the Arab world, my colleagues and I all feel a sense of affinity. This is because in their exchanges across time and space, the Chinese and Arab peoples have been sincere with each other, forging friendship along the ancient Silk Road, sharing weal and woe in the fight for national independence, and helping each other in building their own countries. Such trust is unbreakable and cannot be bought with money.患难见真情Hardship reveals true friendship.原文出处:柬埔寨署名文章
中国人常说,"患难见真情"。柬埔寨谚语说,"只有在患难中,才能识别谁是真朋友,谁是假朋友"。中国人民和柬埔寨人民重情守诺、坦诚相待,中柬友好已经深深扎根于两国人民心中。 We have a Chinese saying -- "Hardship reveals true friendship." Similarly, a Cambodian saying goes "Only in tough time can one tell a true friend from a false one." Our two peoples value our ties and treat each other as true friends; the China-Cambodia friendship has developed deep roots in the hearts of both peoples. END